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Pour te remercier de ta loyauté, on t’offre l’opportunité de rejoindre l'élite des gamers et d’obtenir ces avantages exclusifs :

  • Accès au salon discord “Shatons” : jeux gratuit éclair/limité en avance et bons plans ou il faut être rapide.
  • Reçoit la newsletter sur l'évolution du projet. (1 email par mois maximum)
  • Avantages lors d'événements et conventions négocier avec nos partenaires.
  • Chance doublée sur les concours où des partenaires offrent des clés de jeux vidéo à distribuer à la communauté.
  • Grade Shaton sur le site & discord.

Deviens un Cyber Shaton !


Tu peux également devenir adhérent en payant 1€ symbolique par mois.

Cela finance les ressources serveurs utilisé par ces fonctionnalités bonus auxquels tu as accès :

  • Accès à la Barre de Recherche Avancée : Trouve instantanément les jeux et giveaways qui te passionnent.
  • Accès au Salon VIP “Cybershatons” sur Discord : Participe aux discussions, partage tes idées, et sois au cœur de l'évolution de la fondation.
  • Photo de profil et bannière personnalisé.
  • Une voix dans l'Avancement du Site : Tes idées et retours sont précieux. Deviens acteur du développement du projet.
  • Chance décuplée sur les concours où des partenaires offrent des clés de jeux vidéo à distribuer à la communauté.
  • Grade Cyber Shaton sur le site & discord.
  • Les avantages de Shaton précédemment.

Cybersouls Foundation

In a world in decline, where governments manipulated by dark forces compete for the last resources of our planet, an escape looms through constantly evolving digital technologies.

An ambitious visionary, known by the pseudonym Shaninjah, is dedicated to a specific goal: to build a platform destined to revolutionize our interaction with video games. A project, naively named by the community as "Creating the best video game site in the world."

Launched on June 6, 2022, this project is not just a technical challenge, but a true personal odyssey for all its participants, marked by an unconditional love for virtual universes and a determination to push the boundaries of what is possible. Shaninjah has set a deadline of June 6, 2030, eight years during which those who say "It's impossible" today will say "It was obvious"

The Cybersouls Foundation is not just a simple project; it's the dream of a lifetime for Shaninjah and all gamers. It aspires to transcend traditional expectations of video game enthusiasts by offering a platform that is not just a showcase of games, but a universe in itself, vibrant and interactive. This site will be the ultimate meeting point for players, developers, and everyone who lives and breathes the video game universe.

A hooded man with bright green eyes sitting on a black stone throne.

Currently, this page only describes 5% of the project. It will be updated on June 6, 2025, with the other objectives of the foundation.

The list of game giveaways

Rooted in the desire to democratize access to video games, this initiative allows everyone, from novices to veterans of the gaming world, to discover and enjoy a comprehensive listing of games graciously provided by developers. It breaks down social barriers and puts everyone on an equal footing within the Cybersouls Foundation.

Whether you're a console enthusiast, a staunch PC gamer, or bold enough to play on mobiles, this feature is designed for you. It allows you to access the vastness of the gaming ocean, regardless of your social status, embarking on a journey into the heart of virtual worlds.

Thanks to this platform, each player can find their joy and explore universes that otherwise might have remained inaccessible. The ultimate goal of this digital adventure is to make the comfort and escape offered by video games accessible to all. In a world sometimes darkened by the realities of everyday life and whose future seems to darken each year, this feature aims to be a beacon of light.

A hooded man with bright green eyes offering games to disadvantaged people.
A video game sheet engraved in black stone with golden lettering.

Game pages

Video games are no longer just a form of entertainment, but also a window to escape into incredible universes. Accessibility and understanding of these worlds become crucial. Fortunately, an innovation has arrived on the scene: comprehensive and interactive video game profiles.

The Cybersouls video game profiles do more than just list technical aspects; they truly democratize access to games. With detailed information from interactive and intelligent system requirements to gameplay details, they enable you, whether you are a novice or an experienced player, to dive into the universe of a game with confidence and knowledge. They allow you to play in the best possible way according to your capabilities.

Each profile is a gateway to the fascinating lore of games. By exploring these profiles, you not only discover the story and characters but also the subtleties that make each universe unique. This deep understanding enriches the gaming experience, transforming each session into an immersive adventure that transcends mere entertainment.

A notable aspect of these profiles is their evolution, entirely fueled by player contributions. In this community space, players exchange information, tips, solve puzzles, and share experiences. This active collaboration creates a cohesive community and a valuable support space, beneficial for players of all levels. We contrast with the individualism, a prism of current society that is encouraged. We are an autonomous ecosystem, a bubble of kindness.