Rejoins la fondation gratuitement !


Tu mérites de rejoindre les rangs prestigieux de la fondation pour ta 20ème visite.

Pour te remercier de ta loyauté, on t’offre l’opportunité de rejoindre l'élite des gamers et d’obtenir ces avantages exclusifs :

  • Accès au salon discord “Shatons” : jeux gratuit éclair/limité en avance et bons plans ou il faut être rapide.
  • Reçoit la newsletter sur l'évolution du projet. (1 email par mois maximum)
  • Avantages lors d'événements et conventions négocier avec nos partenaires.
  • Chance doublée sur les concours où des partenaires offrent des clés de jeux vidéo à distribuer à la communauté.
  • Grade Shaton sur le site & discord.

Deviens un Cyber Shaton !


Tu peux également devenir adhérent en payant 1€ symbolique par mois.

Cela finance les ressources serveurs utilisé par ces fonctionnalités bonus auxquels tu as accès :

  • Accès à la Barre de Recherche Avancée : Trouve instantanément les jeux et giveaways qui te passionnent.
  • Accès au Salon VIP “Cybershatons” sur Discord : Participe aux discussions, partage tes idées, et sois au cœur de l'évolution de la fondation.
  • Photo de profil et bannière personnalisé.
  • Une voix dans l'Avancement du Site : Tes idées et retours sont précieux. Deviens acteur du développement du projet.
  • Chance décuplée sur les concours où des partenaires offrent des clés de jeux vidéo à distribuer à la communauté.
  • Grade Cyber Shaton sur le site & discord.
  • Les avantages de Shaton précédemment.

Game Giveaways

The game giveaways are gifts from the developers. These offers can have several objectives, such as improving the visibility of the game, increasing the number of players of a license, or simply giving something of value to their fans.

Getting video games for free.

Why are games offered for free?

The game giveaways are gifts from the developers. These offers can have several objectives, such as improving the visibility of the game, increasing the number of players of a license, or simply giving something of value to their fans.

Attracted by the free experience, players may decide to support the game in the future through in-app purchases, expansions, or future installments of the series. This creates a beneficial relationship for both developers and players.

If the shareholders see a benefit in this exchange, they will allow developers to renew these donations in the future. The Cybersouls Foundation aims to encourage this virtuous circle.

Games offered for life

What's great is that any game added to your library during the free period stays there for life. This means you can download and play your game whenever you want, even after the promotional period has ended. You just need to be there at the right time to grab the game. This is where our catalog of free games comes into play.

The catalog of game giveaways


Located above the list of games, a blue button allows you to access advanced filters. Use them to customize the list of offered games so that it matches exactly what you are looking for.

Free vs Playable

The games on our list can fall into two types of availability. First, the offered games: this means that you keep the game for life once retrieved, but it refers not to your own life, but rather to that of the store from which you retrieve it.

Second, the playable games: they are accessible for free during a specific period, but once this period has expired, you can no longer access them.

A community project

Add an offer

By contributing to the catalog of offered games, you strengthen our community. The more of us there are, the more eyes we have to monitor game studios. Each member brings their passion by following the studios of their choice, which allows us to find more offers and reduce the risk of missing out.

Reporting Expired Offers

You also have the option to report any offer that you find has expired. If a game is no longer available for free, use the reporting feature to help us keep the list up-to-date. It is important that expired offers are removed quickly to avoid disappointing people who click on them only to find they have ended.

Moderation mode

The moderation mode of our platform is essential for maintaining the timeliness and accuracy of the offers. By activating this mode, you can temporarily disable your personal filters to display all available offers on the site and report those that are expired.

Discord bot

Bot Installation

Our Discord bot is designed to enhance your experience by automatically broadcasting the best game deals directly on your Discord server. You can also choose to broadcast the offers yourself if you prefer to have control over the offers sent on your Discord. You have several configuration options.

Developer Partnership

Share the Good Deals

It is essential to share interesting offers with your friends using the Cybersouls offer page link rather than the direct link to the store in question. The more the site traffic increases, the more we are able to negotiate new games to offer. Our direct and exclusive partnerships with studios and the Cybersouls foundation allow us to provide exclusive and attractive distributions for the community.