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  • Chance décuplée sur les concours où des partenaires offrent des clés de jeux vidéo à distribuer à la communauté.
  • Grade Cyber Shaton sur le site & discord.
  • Les avantages de Shaton précédemment.

Updates 2024

Hotfix 1.2.1



- It was better before. For those who resist change, it's now possible to dynamically modify the display of game offers, showing them in pairs or trios per sliding line based on the browser page zoom.


- Goodbye Christmas colors. The 'Claim' and 'Ignore' buttons are now gray when inactive, instead of shades of green and red.

- Thou shalt not disconnect. Logging out no longer redirects to the English homepage, but to the home page in the language the site was in before logging out.

- Goodbye ghost pages. The previous and next buttons will no longer be displayed if you're on the first or last page, preventing navigation to ghost pages.

- Added a back button on the game offer details page. I also took the opportunity to center the button on the game offer details pages.


- Removed the 'TEST' message. We've seen it for a month, I think it's good, it works, we can remove it now.

- HTTPS is better than HTTP. Modified internal functions to display images and links in HTTPS rather than HTTP.

- No points, no ranking. Optimized the contributor page by removing users with 0 points. This reduces the displayed ranking from 11,000 users to 400.

- Implemented proxy exceptions. This aims to prevent the 429 errors everyone experienced, visibly or invisibly, thus avoiding the impression that the site is unresponsive or buggy.

- To moderate at the speed of light. The moderation limit changes from one moderation every 5 seconds to no limit. Watch out, troublemakers.

- "It's okay!" - André le Paté. Moderation blocks no longer disappear once moderated but display the OK message in yellow for moderators.

- One button to moderate them all. Super validation granted to the administrator for game addition moderation.


- Display the correct usernames on the game offer list. All offers showed the placeholder shaninjah123456 instead of the username of the person who suggested the offer. No points were lost; it was just a display bug. I stole the spotlight, but not your points, phew!

- It's no longer possible to add a game offer without specifying the game. Am I really fixing this? I coded a safeguard to prevent you from doing such things. An offered game without the game. You bunch of degenerate raccoons, who did that? WHO?

- Fixed translation omissions. Those who still don't know their English irregular verbs are now safe.

- I forgot my password. Hello? Is there anyone? Help! Yoo-hoo? Fixed a bug that caused email sending to fail with the new DNS.

- Fixed spelling and typography errors.

- Now you see me, now you don't. Fixed a bug that made pagination buttons disappear on the last page of the collected games list in the user profile.

- Be a bit more original, Laygaullasse93. If you try to create a username that already exists, you'll be warned with a red message instead of a 500 error page.

- Goodbye Error 500, hello Error 404. If a user tries to access a non-existent game page, they will encounter a 404 error instead of a 500 error.

- I feel a pulse. Fixed the two dead links in the breadcrumb trail on the game offer details page.

- Creating games faster than your shadow. Fixed a bug that didn't create the game on the fly when entering a game not yet registered in the database while creating a game offer.

- A huge raccoon spotted. We couldn't catch it but we sure scared it off, hoping it won't sneak into the server room to eat the cables again. Look at all these bugs!

- The longer, the better. Fixed a bug that made cookies not last long; they now last several months for the offered games list filters.

- Big red message. Added a floating red message with error info encountered by moderators in the moderation interface, especially for error 429.

- Because consent is important. No means no. Fixed a bug that prevented changes to a game sheet from being rejected; rejecting it still proceeded with its validation.

- It's still no. Fixed a bug that caused a suggested offer rejected by the moderation or the administrator to still be validated.

Patchnote 1.2 - Cybersouls



- Wake the fuck up, samurai, we have a website to code. Dive into the future with the brand-new cyberpunk theme. Darker, more stylish, more us.

- Added a module for the administrator to assign rewards and ranks. The cyberpunk universe is a complete mess, so an interface to strip citizens' rights and add law enforcement in a flash is more than necessary!

- Creation of a message that can appear under certain conditions. Maybe if you're diligent, you'll get the chance to see it too.

- Mega Search available to foundation members. This feature doesn't look like much, but in the near future, it will be the most coveted on the Internet.


- Advanced customization of emails. Losing your password is always a bad time. So we wanted to brighten that up with context images and personalized emails for password reset and email validation to confirm your email address.

- Moderation mode indicator. A new light to indicate when you are in moderation mode – because power comes with great responsibilities.

- Alert tooltip for subscriptions. A red alert message now appears when you hover over offers that require a subscription. Maximum clarity for zero surprises.

- Optimization of FontAwesome. Lighter and faster. I've streamlined FontAwesome to speed up your experience.

- Smart language change. Changing languages now translates the page without sending you back to the homepage. Smooth.


- Added Guide to the Experience and Astral page. If you want to learn a bit more about the future of the foundation, you'll learn quite a bit.

- Added the Cybersouls page. You must have heard some nonsense, but on this page, you'll be spoiled.

- Added hub pages: Games, Game giveaways, Community, Rankings, Authentication. And probably others that I've forgotten.

- SEO improvement for all pages.

- Design improvement for success and error alerts. If you've been paying attention, you know that in addition to floating now they're prettier.

- Updated several URLs to be cleaner, more logical, and grammatically correct. Why didn't anyone tell me there were spelling mistakes in the URLs? Only dyslexics have found the site!

- Added numerous information pages. Loads of mentions of terms of use, cookie consumption consent, general terms and conditions of sale and use. In short, as much boring stuff as reading this patch note. So imagine when I had to write them!

- Added a copyright notice. Because there have been, are, and will continue to be copies of the project. But none have Akitsu and that changes everything!

- The limit for reporting offers is now 10 per minute. There is no longer any reason for expired offers to stay for ages now... I'm counting on you!

- becomes That kicks ass, don't you think?


- Typography correction. Thanks to the kittens who correct me and a thought to those who correct me by adding other mistakes. At the same time, because of the problem mentioned above, we are a community of dyslexics.